You are invited to join us at a ‘Vigil for the Earth’ on Saturday 17th December in Lichfield.
Meet us at Speaker’s Corner (near the Cathedral) at 5 PM for a 30 minutes silent Vigil. We will be there whatever the weather, so dress accordingly!
To sit more comfortably, you’re welcome to bring a fold-up chair a cushion or a yoga mat.
Why are we doing a vigil?
The climate crisis threatens to irreversibly change our way of life and humanity is at a crossroads, one path leading to the protection of our home for future generations, the other to the destruction of that natural systems that support all life.
The silent vigil is an opportunity for us to come together and send our compassion to the planet to help us feel more deeply connected to it and to each other, and to allow other people to bear witness to the event in the hope that it awakens their own love and care for our planet.